Are you protecting yourself from duplicate charges and overpayments?

Our review is based purely on a contingency fee basis so if we find nothing, you pay nothing. There is no financial risk to your organisations and provides independent assurance over internal processes.

16 February 2022

Liaison Financial

We have over 30 years of experience working with the NHS. Our experience and knowledge, together with our supplier relationships has provided a robust platform to maximise savings for our clients.

With additional pressure over the last 18 months, our specialist AP Reviews can help you to not only maximise savings, but act as a due diligence exercise over your respective payment processes. With many of our clients using software orientated options such as Fiscal and the National Fraud Initiative (NFI), our unique approach helps to achieve an additional 50% over and beyond these solutions.

Our experts interrogate data in fine detail, completing a variety of additional checks to those traditionally included in software solution and NFI reviews. This helps to uncover anomalies which would otherwise go unidentified. Providing additional value and supplementing your existing processes, we validate all findings and manage the physical recovery of money by working directly with suppliers on your behalf.

Our service has been shaped and designed to overcome many of the obstacles faced by our clients. Some of these include:

“Our AP department is too busy to go through potential duplicates and accommodate a site visit”

We perform our reviews off site as we are HSCN accredited enabling us to access SBS Oracle clients remotely. For non SBS Oracle clients we have alternative solutions in place such as TeamViewer.

“We already have another solution in place”

Our review is based purely on a contingency fee basis so if we find nothing, you pay nothing. There is no financial risk to your organisations and provides independent assurance over internal processes.

Liaison Financial Head of Financial Management, Abdul Majid, says: “Setting up access for clients is simple and ensures that we can reduce the level of resource required from the organisation.

Being able to complete reviews remotely means that there is minimum disruption to the team and the process is faster and more efficient.

Our advisors are helpful, knowledgeable and approachable and will ensure that you are supported throughout the process.”

With a simple sign up and resource light requirement, maximise your savings before year end now by getting in touch below.

Contact us.

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