A number of factors were found to be causing the increased award, including national factors such as the Covid-19 pandemic, high continuing care loads, and elevated staff sickness. Locally, they found that the OCCG and Oxford Health process was also contributing to the over-provision.
Liaison Care was asked to examine the end-to-end process, and make recommendations to improve the clinical and social outcomes for clients. This included ensuring the use of least restrictive practise to support individuals in a nursing home placement currently receiving one-to-one care, and offering insight into the financial situation surrounding additionally funded one-to-one care packages across the region.
As the review commenced, an increased spend from £1million to £4.5million was predicted in the area of one-to-one care alone.
The reviews and recommendations identified causes for the financial increase and a detailed view of what was driving the demand for one-to-one care.
It also explored one-to-one care delivery in line with the individual contract agreements and one-to-one packages, compared these to the health needs of the individual, and identified area where the care contracted and provided was not required by the patient.
The reviews highlighted no safeguarding concerns highlighted as part of the review.
In the longer term, Liaison Care has recommended a review of the process for agreement and monitoring of one-to-one care, and potential training needs across the care providers.
We have also recommended the consideration of a standardisation or cap on hourly one-to-one rates to reduce financial variability.
To discuss how Liaison Care’s reviews could support your organisation or system
to improve CHC review processes
Oxford CCG
Overspend on one-to-one care
Bespoke Consultancy (one-to-one reviews)