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10/02/2023 ... blog

Many ICSs still awaiting confirmed digital strategies

case study | Liaison workforce

Managing NHS workforces through the better use of data

Liaison Workforce is a well-established and trusted health economy partner, helping NHS clients tackle inefficiencies, streamline processes and support financial improvements through expert advisors, established technology and best practice process.

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NHS At Work: The latest rostering technology – Project and Agenda for Change update
21/12/2022 Event

NHS At Work: The latest rostering technology – Project and Agenda for Change update

case study | Liaison workforce

Agency Direct Employment (ADE) project sees £3.4million achieved in savings

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14/09/2023 ... blog

Workforce Tech in Healthcare: Unveiling Inherent Bias – How Technology Applications Pose Barriers to the LGBTQ Community

In the latest in our Workforce Tech in Healthcare series, we reflect on what has been achieved in championing equality and challenging discrimination, focus on what still needs to be done, and look at how tech can help or hinder progress.

case study | Liaison workforce

Hywel Dda delivers rapid cost savings on AHP agency spend using data to drive agency sourced employment

In its first year of using Liaison Workforce’s TempRE service for AHPs, Hywel Dda University Health Board increased agency direct employment take up by 150% and saved £148,633.

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15/08/2022 Blog, Homepage, Latest blog posts, ... blog

Trust’s time-saving solution has significant impact for out of hours doctors

Imagine what your junior doctors could do with an extra 91 minutes of time, every shift.

case study | Liaison workforce

University Hospital Southampton deploys Infinity for Cost Improvement Programme

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03/08/2023 ... blog

Workforce Tech in Healthcare: How AI will enhance, not replace, humans in customer support and customer experience

In the latest in our Workforce Tech in Healthcare series, we look at the rise of Artificial Intelligence and the possible impact it may have on customer support teams and customer experience…

02/08/2023 ... blog

In Conversation With Foresight – The NHS Long Term Workforce Plan, and the benefits of effective workforce planning

The latest in our In Conversation With series sees us discussing the NHS Long Term Workforce Plan and benefits of effective workforce planning with Danny Hodgson of Foresight…