Search results for 'System Transformation Savings'
Workforce Challenges
We can help you with solutions that can transform your workforce challenges and provide tangible insights to shape your HR and improve data visibility.
Elective Recovery
Optimising and prioritising waiting lists and implementing new ways of working to deliver more elective care to tackle backlogs.
Deficit Gap
ICSs must find 2.2% efficiency savings to close the deficit gap of more than £1bn in 2022-2023. Liaison Financial can help you save millions per annum by identifying and recovering savings in non-pay expenditure, for reinvestment into healthcare.
Our Insights
Here, we share our insights, expertise, and experience on ICS-related topics, to help guide and advise as ICSs become the structure for the NHS.
Super September aims to accelerate delivery of the elective recovery plan
Super September aims to accelerate delivery of the elective recovery plan
Integrated Care Systems
Liaison Group is dedicated to improving the UK health economy through recovering potential system transformation savings to NHS trusts and ICSs that would otherwise leave the system over the next 3 years.
Our Services
We have over 30 years of experience in providing specialist services to the NHS that deliver savings and help to protect non-pay expenditure. We offer a range of services to maximise savings and income for the NHS so that it can reinvest this money back into healthcare.