Liaison Workforce - Case Studies

A focus on flexible workforce spend realises savings of over £400,000
Within the region, the demand for services continues to grow, whilst budgets become increasingly tighter, an experience not exclusive to the South Yorkshire area. In order to provide high quality services, it has become increasingly necessary to ensure that all resources are used effectively and support the delivery of effective care.

Trust identifies £1,043,000 cost saving opportunity from identified flight risks and people support
Liaison Workforce began working with Stockport NHS Foundation Trust in order to provide the Trust’s HR team and managers with a flexible digital platform in order to deliver learning and development innovation, as well as people support.

Partnering with the Lead Employer Trust to complement a medical collaborative bank for Doctors in Training

Bank developed at the speed to support Covid-19 vaccination rollout
With the Covid-19 vaccination rollout beginning, NHS Cheshire Clinical Commissioning Group (Cheshire CCG) required an inventive option quickly for managing the vaccination workforce.